I want to get this car because of so many reasons, but the main reason that I want it is that it is sooo smart. First of all, it gets great fuel economy, meaning that I can drive down to the open microphone nights at the local cafe and save the environment at the same time. This gas hybrid electric is the fastest of its kind. It can go from 0-60 in a whopping 12 seconds! It has a 3 cylinder motor that just purrs like a kitten or roars like a tiger. I do not know why anyone would need something more powerful than this car. Would you prefer to have some big, evil gas guzzling SUV? I would really like to get this car since it is also great for parking by my loft that I live in or going to the local Italian restaurant even though I have a gluten allergy. lol! Also president Obama has made it so that I can get a tax credit if I buy this car. I also think that this car is the way to go because soon all those other evil carbon emitting SUVs and trucks will have been banned from the USSA, I mean USA, whoops! Typo! I think it is so great that our country now puts the environment and children a head of all other cultural endeavors. And my purchasing of this car , along with my carbon credit license plate, I will be doing more for the environment than anyone else in an SUV. Why do you need all those seats anyways? My partner and I seem to get along fine with our two small terriers, Bobby and Prince, in the back. All in all, it is a great car, it is just too bad I have to pay for it myself.