Here is the current dash, I am giving it a face lift since I have put so much work into everything else.

Here are the gauges I have bought:

Oil Pressure:

Water Temp:


Fuel Level:




Here is a switch to control the brake solenoid:

I am going to set the gauges in a a satin black diamond plate dash. I need to figure out how I am going to be placing the gauges, switches, and indicator lights in the dash. It is a big design task and I think I am up for it.
I have done some footwork to see what others have done: at the pictures in this thread (there are 4 pages): here are some of my own personal designs (right now I am focusing on the gauge cluster). I definitely want a removable switch panel where all the indicator lights and such will be. That way it is easy to add new controls. I am not sure where to put the clock, whether or not I want the gauges angled towards the driver, what I should do about a glove box, lock box, stereo (I am kicking around some ideas). Oh, and ignore the skull thing. The thing above the skull is the grab bar.



Here is my most recent design. I am going with smaller speakers, and am thinking about putting the clock by the steering wheel. There will also be a monster glovebox, which will house the stereo receiver, a CB, and just a general storage compartment. I am thinking the stereo/cb area will need a door that is easy to use and can stay open while driving. A rack and pinion type linear drive operating a sliding door would be awesome. I do like the smaller speakers.

Here is the plan. Continue piecing together the jeep. Get the pedals, steering wheel and driver's seat installed. Then make a cardboard dash and pretend to drive and operate controls. Mark where stuff should go with a sharpie. Make modifications with a different color. Update design. Fabricate. Paint. Install.
Also, I am open to your ideas and suggestions.