Today I worked on getting the jeep to run. I first struggled with it not idling, but then I remembered that when I was rebuilding the carburetor that I figured that I would adjust the curb idle when it came time to fire the engine. So finally another 3/4 turn later the coolantless engine was purrring like a kitten. Which leads me to my next point, I have yet to hook up the coolant lines/radiator, which means that I have not ran the engine for more than 30 seconds within an hour's time. I also worked on the fuel lines a bit more and got the fuel tank venting and rollover cutoff valves installed. I cleaned up my vacuum system (My first hunch at the idle was not enough fuel flow or a vacuum problem).
I got the lights working so that when I get the jeep running during an all-nighter i can take it for a spin.

I installed the air cleaner, I have yet to paint up the air cleaner and all that jazz, but that is in the works.

I plan on getting the radiator in this week, taking care of the brakes, taking care of the transmission, installing the seats and then taking it for a spin around the block.
Visit here to see a movie of the jeep running: I have to say is racin' ain't 'bout idlin'.