The empty tub:
Body Mount misalignments:
Me, removing the windshield wiper motor:
I seem to be making progress at a rate faster than I can record, so I will catch up on the progress.
To date, I have bought (before taxes=8.1%):
79.99 Battery
6.99 Air Filter
4.19 Oil filter
13.92 spark plugs
55.11 electric fuel pump
3.27 mechanical fuel pump cover
9.99 Clear Fuel Filter Pre-pump
4.49 Pre Carb Fuel filter with vapor return
=177.95 to Date
Tools and shop supplies:
3.49 gloves
6.99 Tube cutter
12.99 tube bender
7.99 Siphon Pump
298.88 Air compressor
=330.34 to date
So what have I accomplished up until now?
I have accomplished the following:
decoded the engine wiring
changed spark plugs
changed oil, filter
decoded vacuum system
decoded fuel/emission system
To change the spark plugs I had to remove the headers. This is why a portion of the header has to be ground down to allow future access to the plugs. Since the headers are off, I will be painting them maybe flat black or red.
I have got the engine to fire and run for like 6 seconds by misting carb cleaner into the carb. my current problem is i cannot get gas to the carb from the tank. I put about 3 gallons of gasoline in the fuel tank after i siphoned out the old gas (there was very little in the tank). I then pulled gas up to the mechanical fuel pump (note the hand siphon above, that thing is sweet). I then poured gas into the fuel lines post fuel pump. Even after all this the pump still doesn't want to pump, so I am going to try an electric fuel pump. Their benefits outweigh their drawbacks, which is why all cars have them today. Just remember, an electric fuel pump provides a steady flow, whereas a mechanical pump's flow is a roughly a function of engine rpm.
Tomorrow I will install the fuel pump and get the engine running much more steadily, I have installed the coolant system so i can run the engine for a prolonged period of time.
I have removed the seats and center console from the tub so that it will be easier to pick up for when i have to weld this weekend.
I have the body positioned and loosely bolted so that I can figure out where I need to weld, drill, and cut to get the body properly fitted to the frame. Tomorrow morning I will draw up my schematics for the weldings, remove the body, grind off the current mounts, and then reposition them.
I also have to do a substantial amount of fabrication over the weekend since the rollcage ties into the fiberglass body, meaning that the jeep is only good for half a rollover. I need to build up supports in the rear fender and mid body so that the rollcage can handle many many rolls. I'll probably use big burly 3"x1/4"wall square tubing, 1/4" plate, and 7018 rod.
I also have found a few good local shops for cool hot rod parts, paint, and sources of information.
As a side note: These shops made me realize how important the small American business is. When I went to the small "mom and pop" shops today, I found they had more to offer than great hand-picked products. The shops were an incredible source of information for solving problems and providing expert advice. In just 15 minutes in two different auto paint shops, I gained more knowledge on automotive painting than there exists on all the message boards on the internet (assuming misleading information cancels out good information, in which case i am far ahead). I'll talk about the paint quotes and plan next.