So today I cleaned up the engine using my pressure washer. Apparently the pressure washer is a device that takes a bunch of concentrated contaminants and then covers everything else with them. The pressure washing was completed without incident. By that I mean that the cops did not show up nor did the EPA. Some lady in a prius parked down my street and was giving my whole getup an investigative eye. I saw her peeking around a corner on the phone, but nothing has happened yet. Fortunately, I own some pretty intense biodegradable degreaser which ended up doing a decent job. I thought I could get water from my hot water heater and run it through my pressure washer, but this was not the case as my hot water heater is piped funny. I ended up using a prybar as a steering wheel which made it impossible to get the jeep chassis into the garage (there is a slight incline up to my garage). I alone could not provide enough force to push the jeep into my garage when i was finished. So I pushed the jeep into the garage with my truck. The jeep broke my grill, turn signal, and front bumper. Truck 0, Jeep 1. I kinda wanted to tow the jeep with the truck, because I can see the jeep freeing the truck from many situations.
I also went shopping today:
got a new distributor, rotor, engine enamel, methyl ethyl ketone M.E.K., header paint, gloves, plastic sheet 12'x400' 0.3 mil, and a respirator. I bought lotion too, since some of the degreaser seeped into my gloves (plus it was being misted around) and dried out my hands, it is some kind of orange peel acid.
I will update the budget actuals tomorrow.
I am still working on getting the steel I need to weld up the rollcage mounts.
Hopefully I can produce some more before/after pictures.