I was driving up to chimney rock to meet up with a friend. I think my tires were too stiff or something because on the way up I was being vibrated like crazy from the bumps. I lost pretty much every nut that fastened the body and roll cage to the frame (lock washers did not help). I will probably use a nylon lock nut on all those fasteners from now on. I curse that road. It was making me so pissed I had to pull over and take a break. Also my windshield was flopping back and forth smashing into the front of the roll cage which was getting me more upset than anything else. I think once I get all the vibration stuff taken care of and the right tire pressure things will be a bit nicer.
On climbs I definitely preferred 4 LOW since I had to carry too much speed in 4 HIGH, as a result I would get slammed around.
This is all I had for a map, picture on my camera.
This is me about a mile in trying to figure out what the deal is with the road!
Here I am at the destination, decided to crawl up a boulder a bit.
That is the famous chimney rock.
Me, totally dusty, my mouth is still gritty.
I should've kept driving up the rock, but I wasn't too excited about my emergency brake.
All and all it was a good learning experience insofar as to what the major issues are that need to be addressed before the jeep is passenger safe.
I probably won't be doing this again until I work out the major issues with the vibration.