bum bum, bum bum bum-bum, bum bum bum bum
badda bummmm
badda bummmm
Yesterday I took the jeep through emissions. I was about to leave from my house when a lady came up from behind my while I was buckling in and was like "Hello, my son is in the coast guard and he left his truck here for me, he told me the trick to start it, but i forgot." I then walked with her over to the vehicle. I had seen that truck before, it was a Toyota Hilux. I peeked under the hood, noticed the battery didn't have the negative cable hooked up so I pressed it on and told her to start it. It fired up and then she thanked me. I told her she was lucky to have found just the right person for the job.
I then drove down there in a sweater and it was crazy cold. I was thinking about stopping at Ross and buying some gloves, but I decided to man up just one notch. I made it there without incident and sat in line. Finally it was my turn, they had me shut off the engine. The guy asked me if I put in a ford V8 or a Chevy 350. He asked me where I got my bedliner done. I told him I did it in my garage. He called his coworkers over and eventually I had about 6 of the emissions guys around the jeep inspecting the paint, bedliner, tires, suspension, etc. They inspected under the hood and checked out the motor (Did I mention I was taking a tailpipe test during all of this?) and then had me drive into the dyno thing or whatever. Then they had the jeep idle for like 10 seconds and it just plain passed. After the tailpipe test, they had me rev up the engine for kicks. Good Times.
Gas cap? Check. Tailpipe? Check. PASS! Very exciting.
Another note: They did not compare the VIN on my temporary registration to the VIN on the body plate in the engine compartment. Nor did they even look at the body-mounted VIN.