Jeep First Year

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Going Green

I finally painted the jeep. Prior to painting, I spent a few days block wet sanding on the primer that I sprayed last weekend. I also fixed some various minor imperfections (for completeness).

The painting went alright, there were a few runs in the paint and a few run-ins with wet paint. I am hoping most of that will be easy to fix with some wet sanding and some polishing. We sprayed 3 wet coats of DuPont Centari single stage acrylic enamel and a final super-reduced wet coat.

In the body prep: Some imperfections were as big as a penny.

Like this one.

...and some were smaller than the "0" in 2005: (dark red dot).

So I only have two painting action shots. My photographer was afraid of dying.

Painting the interior lines and the windshield frame.

Work complete.

Look at the straightness.

Here is the cherried out hood.

Look at that sparkle!


The painting crew. Me and my dad. I am the one wearing the shirt with guitar schematics.

Did I mention that we listened to Manowar's Gods of War while we painted. Chemical warfare. I am in paint job Valhalla:

Here are the warriors.

Gator Guard + Gator Paint.

Photographer and project auditor.

Look at those interior lines, I like the contrast of them with the black. There was a bit of overspray that will be easy to fix.