Jeep First Year

Friday, February 13, 2009

Paint Shop Quote

Here is one of the quotes I got from a paint shop today:

The color is olive drab with flat black paint for the hardware.

The gun is going to cost $180.00, but I was told it was a favorite gun (for the price) of the employees. The only other thing i see myself needing is a mixing pail and an air drier, so a desiccant cartridge and/or a water trap. 10$ for cartridge and 30$ for water trap.

So the paint breakdown so far is:

95.98 olive drab single stage
20.51 acrylic hardener
8.16 reducer
14.08 laquer thinner
53.65 flat black paint single stage
3.96 scotch brite

=196.34 Total materials

179.95 gun
17.62 respirator
19.99 coveralls
=217.56 Total paint tooling

I also found this stuff called gatorliner gatorshield or whatever:

The kit to do the inside of the tub will be about 70$ and the sprayer will be about 20 dollars, so tack that onto the above quote to see how i will just be barely be around the painting budget.